Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Dual Wan with OER

pada posting ini akan dicontohkan menggunakan 2 ISP dengan command OER....

berikut config yang digunakan untuk OER...

fa0/0 : connected to IM2
fa0/1: connected to Telkom
vlan1: local LAN

***pertama kita assign OER master*** 
oer master
 policy-rules OER-MAP
 traceroute probe-delay 10000
 keepalive 1
***Match interface external yang menuju ke WAN***
 border *LAN-IP* key-chain key1
  interface Vlan1 internal
  interface FastEthernet0/1 external
  interface FastEthernet0/0 external
  periodic-interval 1
  monitor-period 2
  prefixes 10000
  expire after time 1
  aggregation-type prefix-length 32
 max prefix total 10000
 no max range receive
 backoff 180 360
 mode route control
 mode select-exit best
 resolve loss priority 1 variance 1
 resolve delay priority 2 variance 5
 resolve utilization priority 3 variance 5
 resolve range priority 5
oer border
 local Vlan1
 master *LAN-IP* key-chain key1
!***tracking menggunakan IP SLA***
track 99 rtr 99 reachability
 delay down 15 up 10
!***tracking menggunakan IP SLA***
track 173 rtr 173 reachability
 delay down 15 up 10
class-map type inspect match-any priv-pub-traffic
 match protocol http
 match protocol https
 match protocol ftp
  match protocol ssh
 match protocol appleqtc
 match protocol bittorrent
 match protocol dns
 match protocol echo
 match protocol h323
 match protocol ymsgr
 match protocol telnet
 match protocol udp
 match protocol icmp
 match protocol tcp
policy-map type inspect priv-pub-policy
 class type inspect priv-pub-traffic
 class class-default
zone security public
zone security private
zone-pair security priv-pub source private destination public
 service-policy type inspect priv-pub-policy
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip address *IM2*
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 zone-member security public
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
 ip address *TELKOM*
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 zone-member security public
 duplex auto
 speed auto
interface Vlan1
 ip address *LAN-IP*
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 zone-member security private
ip local policy route-map LOCAL-TRAFFIC-EGRESS
no ip forward-protocol nd
ip route FastEthernet0/0 *IM2-GW* 20 tag 99 track 99
ip route FastEthernet0/1 *TELKOM-GW* 10 tag 173 track 173
ip nat translation dns-timeout 10
ip nat inside source route-map NAT-ISP-TELKOM interface FastEthernet0/1 overload oer
ip nat inside source route-map NAT-ISP-IM2 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload oer
ip access-list standard IP-SOURCE-TELKOM
 permit *TELKOM-IP*
ip access-list standard IP-SOURCE-IM2
 permit *IM2-IP*
ip access-list standard LAN
 permit *LAN-SUBNET*
***tracking menggunakan IP SLA***
ip sla 99
 icmp-echo *IM2-TEST-IP* source-interface FastEthernet0/0
 timeout 1500
 frequency 20
ip sla schedule 99 life forever start-time now
ip sla 173
 icmp-echo *TELKOM-TEST-IP* source-interface FastEthernet0/1
 timeout 1500
 frequency 20
ip sla schedule 173 life forever start-time now
route-map NAT-ISP-IM2 permit 10
 match ip address LAN
 match interface FastEthernet0/0
route-map LOCAL-TRAFFIC-EGRESS permit 10
 match ip address IP-SOURCE-TELKOM
 set ip next-hop *TELKOM-GW*
 set interface FastEthernet0/1
route-map LOCAL-TRAFFIC-EGRESS permit 20
 match ip address IP-SOURCE-IM2
 set ip next-hop *IM2-GW*
 set interface FastEthernet0/0
route-map LOCAL-TRAFFIC-EGRESS permit 30
 match ip address NAT-ACL LAN
 set interface Vlan1
route-map NAT-ISP-TELKOM permit 10
 match ip address LAN
 match interface FastEthernet0/1
oer-map OER-MAP 10
 match oer learn delay
 set traceroute reporting
oer-map OER-MAP 20
 match oer learn throughput
 set traceroute reporting

dengan ini, router dapat menggunakan 2 ISP untuk traffic ke outside...

sekian posting ini....

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